The Bookstock Board
Jon Spector, Chair
Jon Spector has had a home in Woodstock for 25 years, and moved to Woodstock full-time in 2014. Before retiring he was a Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company, and the CEO of The Conference Board and several private-equity funded startups. In Woodstock he chairs the Economic Development Commission and is a member of the board and Executive Committee of Northern Stage.
Priscilla Painton, Vice-Chair
Priscilla Painton came to publishing in 2008 after twenty-eight years as a journalist. Currently Editor-in-Chief at Simon & Schuster, she has published books by Hillary Rodham Clinton (What Happened, The Book of Gutsy Women also with Chelsea Clinton) and John Bolton (The Room Where It Happened); books that dig deep into big corporations (Kochland by Christopher Leonard), Supreme Court showdowns (Supreme Ambition by Ruth Marcus), Russian treachery (Red Notice by Bill Browder), class in America (Janesville by Amy Goldstein), and even First Ladies, including Michelle (about Michelle Obama) by Liza Mundy, The Art of Her Deal (about Melania Trump) by Mary Jordan, and The Triumph of Nancy Reagan by Karen Tumulty. Priscilla is a resident in Woodstock, having purchased her home here in 2020, and she is a member of the board of the Norman Williams Library.
Michael Stoner, Secretary
Michael Stoner worked in communications, PR, and marketing roles in higher education. For the last three decades, he was a consultant to colleges and universities worldwide as president of a web strategy and marketing firm. A full-time Woodstock resident since 2002, he was a co-founder of Bookstock and a founder of Sustainable Woodstock and is currently chair of the board of Valley Insight Meditation Society.
Julie Moncton, Treasurer
Julie Moncton moved to Woodstock from California in 2022. She worked as an engineer in Silicon Valley until she started a second career in the book industry. She has held positions in the publishing world as a volunteer, employee, and bookstore owner. Julie serves as co-excutive director of Bookstock 2025.
The Boookstock Team
Jen Belton, Co-Executive Director
Volunteer Jennifer Belton was Executive Director of Woodstock’s Norman Williams Public Library for five years and contributed then to the development of Bookstock. She has 24 years of experience managing research and information services. Jen designed and directed the first White House library for a sitting President, President Carter and worked for The Washington Post as Director of News Research from 1986-2005.
Chard deNiord, Poetry Director
Chard deNiord has been Bookstock’s Poetry Director since 2023. He is the author of seven books of poetry. and served as Poet Laureate of Vermont from 2015 to 2019.
Bea Jennings, Marketing Manager
Bea, an Upper Valley native, has been a resident of Woodstock since 2018. She returned to the area after finishing college in 2015 and worked as a legal assistant before starting in finance at Dartmouth College.
Marisa Serafini, Communications Coordinator
Marisa is a part time resident of Woodstock, and has served as Bookstock’s Communications Coordinator since August of 2021. She has focused on social media, growing the number of followers from under 300 to more than 1000 on both Instagram and Facebook.
Jeff Brand, Tech Manager
Jeff manages our website. He, his wife and two young children live in the Upper Valley. Jeff is a member of Woodstock’s Shir Shalom.