Partners, Sponsors & Friends23

Meet the Organizations & Friends Who Make Bookstock Possible…

Bookstock is a Festival of Words … words that inform, challenge, inspire and activate. It is one distinctive way that Woodstock shows what it values…by showcasing the best creativity, thoughts, diversity and ideas of our times…right in the center of town!.

This annual event is produced by volunteers, donors, businesses, non-profits and key organizations in the Woodstock area.

Our Grantmakers and Sponsors…we thank them!

We gratefully acknowledge the essential support by Woodstock’s Economic Development Commission, which has provided us with start-up grants in 2022, 2023 and 2024, enabling us to restructure, hire staff and build our organization out of our informal past.

Bookstock support is led by grants from the Woodstock Economic Development Commission …as well as by The Jack and Dorothy Byrne Foundation, the Pauline Davenport Children’s Fund, the Ottauquechee Health Foundation, Vermont Humanities Council, The Laurance & Mary Rockefeller Vt Community Fund and Mascoma Bank. Sponsors include Ellaway Property Services, White River Subaru, Senior Solutions, and The Williamson Group

Special thanks to Vermont Standard, our Woodstock Media Sponsor!

Our Partners…we thank them!

These businesses have given us support of their services. What would we do without them…

Bookstock Partners open their beautiful facilities and share their expertise in ways that create a better Festival in all ways. They are in and around the Village Green or within helping distance at all times. Partners include:

Artistree • Masonic Lodge #31 •  Norman Williams Public Library • North Chapel • Pentangle Arts • Soulfully Good Café • Thompson Senior Center • Vermont Standard • Yankee Bookshop • Woodstock Chamber of Commerce • Woodstock History Center • Au Comptoir • Children’s Literacy Foundation • Center for Cartoon Studies • AuthorPods • StrongRabbit

We appreciate and value their support:

OHF Logo
NPS Logo

Our In-Kind Supporters!

These businesses have given us support of their services. What would we do without them…

Our Individual Donors!

We are grateful to our community of individual financial donors who help keep Bookstock growing/thriving, free and open to all. Thank you for your generosity. You are the best in anyone’s book!!!

Critics Go Wild

Mimi Baird
  (In honor of Ann Quasman)
Ed & Jenn Ciarimboli
Allen & Gail Dougherty

Bonnie Hammerschlag
Patsy Highberg
Nan & Jim McCann
Peter Rousmaniere
Ann & Bob Quasman

Rave Reviews

Pam & Louis Ahlen

Always A Classic

Alison Clarkson & Oliver Goodenough
Lynn Peterson
Rolf Diamont & Nora Mitchell
Polly Forcier & Jack Nelson
Wendy Spector
Bob & Joan Williamson
  (In honor of Peter Rousmaniere)

Better Than Fiction

Richard Davis
Richard Langstaff